Defend Strategy tips for Beginner townhall level in coc
How to defend enemy raid in the village? Townhall level three defend Strategy.
Townhall level three is the beginner level of clash of clans. To do better in future in this game you have to pass townhall three strategy.It will also help you to progress faster. This article going to help you to defend enemy raid.
First of all upgrade your defensive buildings.Like Mortar,Canons and Archer towers. By upgrading them they will fight more actively against enemy troops. Their damage per second and hit points will increase in a number.
Secondly, upgrade your walls and other high hit points buildings like Storages.Wall can slow down the enemy's troops.So try to upgrade your walls. The maximum level of wall is 3 at Townhall level three.
There is a bad news for townhall level 3.If the enemy attack you wth high level troops in his clan castle can able to get three stars from your base. Balloon, Hog rider,Valkyrie, Wizard can easily destroy Townhall three completely. So if you wanna defend against them you also need to rebuild the clan castle and join in a clan. Take donations troops like Baby dragon,wizard, balloon and good high level troops to defend enemy raid. In my second account which is Townhall 3 i used to raid my enemies with level 8 balloon in my clan castle, believe me it is most easier to get three stars.But the baby dragon in the clan castle can also damage or harm the balloon.
Put some buildings far away from the main point in order to lengthen the time duration to get your village 100% can put your two builder hut in the two different corner of the village.Sometime it can help you to not get 3 stars done in your base.
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