Secret facts of tornado traps of coc
Clash of Clans surprises the player all of time. Recently they lunched a new trap name "Tornado trap." It is available at townhall 11 and 12.Many of us know about it.But today i will tell something special about it.
Tornado trap is the most effective trap in Clash of Clan. Obviously it will effect in our popular gameplay like Electro surgery. Electric Dragon is a super-slow troop unit. Unfortunately tornado trap works in it. So tornado trap divert it from the target by a rotation. So E Dragon become distrated and defensive buildings able to slay the E dragon. It also effect of Balloon and Lava.
It also effective on Golem,Lava,Heroes,Siege machines and other troop units except Miners. Miner is the one and only troop unit which can not be traped by tornado trap.
The effect of Tornado trap is calculated on a scale of 1-5 by dividing the troops housing capacity by 3 (max 5). The number once divided is also rounded up, so a few examples are as follows: you
Minion - 1, Balloon - 2, Witch - 4, Golem - 5. Heroes are also classed as 5 but Siege Machines are only classed as 1.
Tornado traps not only distract troops from the targetted building but also it damages the health of the troops. Though its damage is too poor to high HP troops but it does a destructive damage to low HP troops like Goblins, Barbarians and archers.
There is no doubt that it can help to defend any attack.
I think this trap will effect healers and able to distract them while Queen walk.
So,guys Be smart to use this trap.Hit a smart plan before using your favourite attack strategy. Hopefull to see new gameplays and attack strategy from peoples.
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